At a recent event, acclaimed actor Rajkummar Rao candidly shared his thoughts on the boundaries he maintains in his acting career, revealing a personal limit he would not cross in film. When questioned about a scenario he would find difficult to portray on screen, Rajkummar Rao responded that performing a scene involving him slapping a woman would be particularly challenging for him. The actor conveyed that such a scene is something he would find hard to execute, indicating his strong reservations against participating in such acts.
Rajkummar Rao Shares He Cannot Slap Women In Films
Further, Rajkummar Rao was probed about his potential involvement in the film Kabir Singh, a film known for its controversial portrayal of its titular character. Rajkummar Rao’s response highlighted his thoughtful approach to role selection and his willingness to engage in meaningful discussions about character actions. Rajkummar Rao mentioned that if he were offered the role, he would have likely engaged in extensive dialogues with the director concerning certain scenes, particularly those that involved intense or contentious behavior.
Rajkummar Rao explained that he would only consider a scene if it was essential to the character’s development or the story’s progression comparable to a vital element like breathing for survival. In essence, he suggested that he would only be comfortable performing scenes that were crucial to the narrative and character arc and that he would not shy away from debating the necessity of such scenes with the director. This reflects Rajkummar Rao’s commitment to ensuring that his roles and performances align with his values and the integrity of the story being told. Rajkummar Rao not only highlights his professional integrity but also encourages a broader conversation about the responsibilities of actors and the ethical considerations in film production.