Sunny Kaushal recently expressed his admiration for Kanika Dhillon, the writer behind the new film “Phir Aayi Haseen Dillruba,” in which he plays a distinctive role. Sunny Kaushal’s performance as Abhimanyu in the film has been generating buzz, and the actor revealed how Dhillon’s belief in his suitability for the role was a key factor in his involvement.
In a recent interview, Kaushal discussed his unique character in the film, noting the complexity and quirks that define Abhimanyu. He acknowledged the pivotal role played by Kanika Dhillon in shaping his portrayal. “When Kanika approached me for this role, I was intrigued but also curious. I asked her why she felt I was the right fit, given that my previous roles had been quite different,” Sunny Kaushal shared.
Kanika Dhillon’s response was both insightful and encouraging. She explained, “You have an innate innocence about you, which makes you ideal for this character. The audience will be surprised when your true nature is revealed, as it’s not what they expect from you.” This perspective helped Kaushal embrace the role with confidence, understanding how his portrayal could defy audience expectations and add depth to the film’s narrative.
Sunny Kaushal also compared his role to Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic character in the film “Baazigar,” highlighting the twists and turns in “Phir Aayi Haseen Dillruba” that parallel the suspense and unpredictability seen in Shah Rukh Khan’s performance. He emphasized the importance of delivering a role that keeps viewers engaged and guessing, which he believes is a hallmark of compelling storytelling.
Reflecting on his journey, Sunny Kaushal reminisced about the early days of auditioning alongside his brother, Vicky Kaushal. Despite their rise to stardom, Sunny Kaushal emphasized their commitment to staying grounded and true to their roots. “Vicky and I have come a long way since our audition days. We still hold on to our simplicity and remain focused on our craft, regardless of our success,” he remarked.