Nandamuri Balakrishna stands tall among the most influential figures in Telugu cinema history. Balakrishna started his acting career and made a smooth move into politics, continuing his father’s tradition. Balakrishna created a name for himself in his early years after breaking into the film business as a young actor with his father, the late NTR,’s film Tatamma Kala. As we commemorate the 50 years since the premiere of his debut picture, we take stock of his achievements in politics, the movie industry, and life in general.
Balakrishna, the sixth son of the renowned Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, was born on June 10, 1960, and he had high expectations. Beyond his career in movies, NTR was a cultural figure and more than just an actor. Serving and entertaining them gave Balakrishna an early experience of what it’s like to be in public.
The only other person to enter the over-the-top (OTT) market when digital streaming platforms first started to take off is Balakrishna. Balakrishna made an unmatched impression with his discussion program Unstoppable on Aha Video, which helped him gain even more fame with the younger population.
Another important facet of Balakrishna’s life is his philanthropy. He has a strong connection to the Hyderabad-based Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, which bears his mother’s name. Thousands of patients have received affordable cancer treatment from the hospital, and Balakrishna’s active participation in its day-to-day operations is testament to his commitment to social concerns. Throughout his career, he has also performed numerous other acts of charity.
The Telugu film industry came out to honor Balakrishna at a lavish gathering and celebrate his five decades in Telugu cinema on this momentous occasion. The media, fans, the Nandamuri family, great directors, Megastar Chiranjeevi, and other notables have all been invited to the grand event, which is set to take place in Hyderabad on September 1.