Rana Daggubati and Suresh Productions continue their tradition of backing thought-provoking films with “35: Chinna Katha Kaadu.” Following the success of “C/O Kancharapalem,” they bring a fresh narrative featuring Nivetha Thomas, Priyadarshi, Gowthami, Bhagyaraj, Viswadev Rachakonda, Arun Dev, and Abhay Shankar. Directed by Nanda Kishore Emani and scored by Vivek Sagar, this film delves into the intricate dynamics of a middle-class family, focusing on education and personal growth.
Set in Tirupati, 35: Chinna Katha Kaadu revolves around Prasad (Viswadev Rachakonda) and Saraswathi (Nivetha Thomas), a couple navigating the trials of family life. Prasad, a bus conductor, and Saraswathi, a homemaker, face a challenging situation with their elder son Arun (Arun Dev). Struggling with mathematics, Arun’s poor performance causes him to be demoted to his younger brother’s class. His primary goal becomes scoring at least 35 marks in maths to regain his confidence and rejoin his peers. The film delves into Arun’s journey and the impact of his educational struggles on his family.
35: Chinna Katha Kaadu Review: Direction and Cinematography
Director Nanda Kishore Emani’s innovative integration of mathematical concepts. Including the BODMAS formula, into the narrative is praiseworthy, though it may not be easily understood by everyone. The cinematography is polished, and the art direction is suitably done, contributing positively to the film’s visual appeal.
Music and Performances: The film’s soundtrack is rather average, but the background score complements the scenes effectively. Nivetha Thomas delivers a standout performance, as do the child actors and the rest of the cast, elevating the film’s appeal. Their performances make 35 Chinna Katha Kadu a worthwhile watch for fans of family comedies.
35 Chinna Katha Kadu offers a charming blend of humor and heart, though it navigates through a few highs and lows. The film’s narrative is a mixed bag; while the first and second halves are somewhat average, it is the sharp dialogues and exceptional casting that truly stand out. The performances by the child actors are particularly impressive, and the witty dialogue is sure to bring a smile to viewers’ faces.
Final Verdict
Although 35 Chinna Katha Kadu may not possess broad commercial appeal. Due to its slower pacing, it has significant potential for success on OTT platforms. It is a decent film that offers a light-hearted, family-friendly experience. Making it a good choice for those in search of an enjoyable and thoughtful comedy.
Our 35: Chinna Katha Kaadu Review Rating: 2.75/5
For those seeking a thought-provoking and emotionally engaging experience, this film is a worthwhile watch.