“Kanguva,” the eagerly awaited film starring Suriya and directed by Siva, has faced an extended production period. Initially scheduled for an October 10, 2024 release as a special Ayudha Pooja offering, the film’s release has been postponed, and a new date is yet to be announced. Meanwhile, Amazon Prime Video has secured the OTT rights for all language versions of “Kanguva” for a significant sum.
Suriya’s Biggest OTT Deal – Kanguva
Amazon Prime Video has acquired the post-theatrical OTT rights for “Kanguva,” marking the largest such deal in Suriya’s career. The streaming platform has purchased these rights for an impressive ₹100 crore. Fans can expect “Kanguva” to be available on Amazon Prime Video approximately 40 days after its theatrical release, making it accessible to a wider audience.
Release Date Postponed
“Kanguva” was originally slated to release on October 10, 2024, but this has now been postponed indefinitely. The delay follows the announcement of Rajinikanth’s film, “Vettaiyan,” scheduled for the same release date. At the Meiyazhagan audio launch event, Suriya explained that the decision was made to avoid clashing with Rajinikanth’s much-anticipated movie. The film’s new release date is now being considered for either the end of October or mid-November 2024. This strategic shift aims to ensure that “Kanguva” garners the attention it deserves without competing against another major release.
Fans’ Reactions and Future Plans
The repeated delays have left fans disappointed, as excitement for “Kanguva” has been mounting for some time. As one of the most ambitious projects in Suriya’s career, the film is highly anticipated. The makers are expected to announce the new release date soon, potentially accompanied by a new poster or teaser to rekindle interest. It will have a pan-Indian release in five languages: Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi, ensuring it reaches a broad audience.
“Kanguva” is shaping up to be a landmark film in Suriya’s career, with its grand scale and fantasy elements promising a visual spectacle. The significant OTT deal with Amazon Prime Video underscores the film’s high expectations and potential.