Kill is a Hindi-language action thriller film released in 2024 directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat and produced by Karan Johar, Guneet Monga, Apoorva Mehta and Achin Jain under Dharma Productions and Sikhya Entertainment. It is inspired by true events and stars Lakshya with Raghav Juyal, Ashish Vidyarthi, Harsh Chhaya, Tanya Maniktala and Abhishek Chauhan.
Both the actors Lakshya and Raghav Juyal have gained the hearts of audiences with their high-octane action avatars and power-packed fight sequences. it is also declared as India’s most violent action thriller which is now going to be released on the OTT platform.
On Friday, Disney+ Hotstar took to their Instagram page and shared the news of Kill’s OTT release. Sharing a glimpse from the movie, the OTT platform wrote, “This ride is about to get bloody! We are coming, #Kill streaming on Sept 6.”
kill was first premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on 7 September 2023, where it was first runner-up for the People’s Choice Award: Midnight Madness after that it was theatrically released on 5 July 2024 and received positive reviews from critics.
Both the actors have reacted to the OTT release of the movie. Lakshya said, “I am extremely grateful for the love I have received through this movie. For my character Amrit, I went through a very strict fitness regime. There were times I went beyond my limits to adapt to the role.With the film now releasing on Disney+ Hotstar, I am looking forward to a larger audience to enjoy this deadly action and bloodshed.”
Raghav Juyal said,”From auditioning for Kill to shooting it with Lakshya, my whole journey for the film has been fun. Like, I always said I have never shied away from working hard. With Kill, I got a chance to tell the world that I can act too, and playing a negative role is always a big responsibility that requires immense conviction.With the film set to stream on Disney+ Hotstar, I hope more audiences can watch it and love it as much as we did while making it!”