Directed, written, and produced by Puri Jagannadh under the banner of Puri Connects. The film features an eclectic ensemble cast including Sayaji Shinde, Kavya Thapar, and Bani J in pivotal roles. Released on August 15, coinciding with Independence Day. “Double iSmart” is a sequel to the 2019 blockbuster “iSmart Shankar.” The Telugu action sci-fi entertainer “Double iSmart,” starring Ram Pothineni and Sanjay Dutt, is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video, just four weeks after its theatrical release.
Plot Overview
The film follows the story of international drug lord Big Bull (Sanjay Dutt), who is diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. Facing a setback in his plans to disrupt peace in India and trigger a civil war, Big Bull resorts to a radical experiment. He transfers his memories into a charismatic local thug, Shankar (Ram Pothineni), in a bid to continue his illicit empire. However, Shankar has his own vendetta against Big Bull, leading to a complex interplay of memories and motives. As their memories overlap, the lines between destruction and retribution blur, culminating in an unpredictable showdown.
Cast and Performances
“Double iSmart” boasts a talented cast that brings the thrilling narrative to life. Ram Pothineni shines in his dual role. Delivered a compelling performance as Shankar, a character with layers of complexity and charisma. Sanjay Dutt, as the menacing Big Bull, adds gravitas to the film with his portrayal of a ruthless drug lord. Supporting actors like Sayaji Shinde, Kavya Thapar, and Bani J contribute significantly to the film’s dynamic ensemble, each bringing depth to their respective roles.
Double iSmart OTT
Starting today, “Double iSmart” is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video in Telugu. With dubs in Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. The film is accessible to audiences in India and across 240 countries and territories worldwide. Making it a significant addition to the Prime membership. The action sci-fi thriller, with its engaging plot and high-octane sequences, promises to be a treat for fans of the genre.