Manoj Bajpayee, a celebrated figure in Bollywood known for his exceptional acting skills, has recently made headlines with his 100th film, Bhaiyya Ji. Released in cinemas on May 24, 2024, this action-thriller, directed by Apoorv Singh Karki, has now achieved a significant milestone on the streaming platform ZEE5. After its theatrical release, the film made its digital debut two months later, and it has quickly garnered impressive viewership statistics.
Bhaiyya Ji Surpasses 200 Million Streaming Minutes
ZEE5 recently celebrated Bhaiyya Ji crossing over 200 million streaming minutes. This achievement was highlighted with a new poster featuring the film’s impressive milestone. The platform shared their excitement on social media, saying, “Bhaiyya Ji ne toh aag laga di! 200 million watch minutes?! He is the OG! ManojBhaiyyaJiKi100thFilm BhaiyyaJi streaming now, only on ZEE5 (sic).” This accolade follows a notable achievement on July 30, when Manoj Bajpayee announced that the film had already reached 100 million streaming minutes within just three days of its OTT premiere.
Challenges Faced During Bhaiyya Ji’s Production
In a recent interview with PTI, Manoj Bajpayee opened up about the challenges he faced while filming Bhaiyya Ji. He described the film as particularly demanding due to the numerous action scenes he performed himself. Bajpayee credited Fefsi Vijayan, a renowned Tamil film choreographer, for his rigorous approach to the action sequences. Vijayan’s insistence on Bajpayee performing all the stunts personally made the shoot tough but ultimately rewarding. Despite the difficulties, Bajpayee expressed satisfaction with the choreographer’s relentless push, which he believes significantly enhanced the film’s action sequences.
Reunion of Bajpayee and Karki
Bhaiyya Ji also marks a reunion between Manoj Bajpayee and director Apoorv Singh Karki, following their successful collaboration on Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai. The film’s release not only represents Bajpayee’s 100th film but also reaffirms his long-standing partnership with Karki. Their previous success together has set high expectations for this new project. If you haven’t yet watched Bhaiyya Ji, it’s available for streaming on ZEE5, allowing fans to enjoy Bajpayee’s milestone film and witness the exceptional performance that has captivated audiences.