Thalapathy Vijay, a major star in South Indian cinema. It is currently immersed in the shoot of his highly anticipated film, Greatest Of All Time aka GOAT Trailer. With the film’s global release scheduled for September 5, excitement among fans and cinephiles is palpable. The latest buzz centers around the film’s trailer, which is expected to drop soon.
According to recent reports, the official trailer may be unveiled on August 14, coinciding with Independence Day, heightening the anticipation surrounding the film’s promotional campaign.
GOAT Trailer Update Creates Buzz
The film’s producer, Archana Kalpathi, took to social media to tease the trailer’s release. She announced on her official X account that the team is finalizing an “amazing trailer” and requested fans to be patient for a couple of days. Her post read, “We are getting an amazing trailer ready for you. So please stay calm and give us a couple of days. Will give you a proper update tomorrow #GOAT.” She clarifies yet another time regarding the TheGreatestOfAllTime trailer update. See you all tomorrow at 6 PM! which is August 14.
This announcement has generated a surge of excitement among fans, eagerly awaiting the trailer’s debut. Reportedly, the actor has seen the final copy of the film and his reaction will make you happy and break your heart a little bit as well.
Film Details and Production
GOAT is directed by Venkat Prabhu, who is also responsible for the screenplay and story. The film features Vijay in dual roles, alongside a notable ensemble cast. Including Trisha Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Ajmal Ameer, Mohan, Jayaram, Meenakshi Chaudhary, and Yogi Babu.
Produced by Kalpathi S Aghoram, Kalpathi S Ganesh, and Kalpathi S Suresh under the AGS Entertainment banner, the film boasts a substantial budget of Rs 300 crore. The music for the film is composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja, with Siddhartha Nuni handling cinematography and Venkat Raajen managing editing. As GOAT gears up for its release, the buzz surrounding the trailer and the film’s promising cast. Production values set high expectations for its performance at the box office.