In a recent event organized by the Kshatriya Seva Samiti in Hyderabad, Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy lavished praise on the renowned actor Prabhas, emphasizing his crucial role in the success of the epic film “Baahubali.” Revanth Reddy highlighted that such a Hollywood-level cinematic achievement would have been unimaginable without Prabhas’s exceptional contribution.
Telangana Chief Minister Applauds Prabhas And Wants RGV To Make It To Bollywood
During his address, CM underscored the remarkable accomplishments of the Kshatriya community, noting their ability to excel across various fields. He expressed admiration for their achievements and their influence in different spheres of life. The Chief Minister’s remarks underscored the community’s diverse talents and its impact on numerous sectors.
The event also provided CM Revanth Reddy with an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of Telugu cinema. He paid tribute to the legendary actor Krishna Raju, acknowledging his significant contributions to the industry.
Revanth Reddy lamented Krishna Raju’s absence
Revanth Reddy lamented Krishna Raju’s absence from the event, expressing his deep respect for the veteran actor and his influence on Telugu cinema.
CM Revanth Reddy took a moment to commend Ram Gopal Varma
Furthermore, CM Revanth Reddy took a moment to commend Ram Gopal Varma, commonly known as RGV, for his successful foray into Bollywood. He praised Ram Gopal Varma for making a significant mark in the Indian film industry, acknowledging his achievements and influence beyond regional cinema. The Chief Minister’s speech was a blend of celebration and reflection, recognizing the individual and collective achievements of prominent figures and communities in Telugu cinema and beyond.