Sonakshi Sinha, the renowned Bollywood actress, has put her luxurious Bandra apartment on the market with a hefty price tag of ₹25 crore. This high-end property, which she only recently moved into in 2023, is now up for grabs as Sonakshi Sinha transitions into a new chapter of her life.
The decision to sell comes shortly after a significant personal milestone for Sinha. The actress, who has been in the public eye for her acting career, celebrated her recent marriage to her longtime partner, Zaheer Iqbal, at this very Bandra residence. The home, known for its opulence and stylish features, served as the venue for their intimate wedding ceremony.
Sonakshi’s choice to sell the apartment could be linked to her recent life changes, including her new marital status. The property, which has become quite the talking point, is now being offered at a premium rate reflecting its luxurious nature and prime location in one of Mumbai’s most sought-after neighborhoods.
The apartment’s listing highlights its high-end amenities and prime location, appealing to potential buyers looking for a high-profile residence in the bustling city of Mumbai. Bandra, known for its celebrity residents and vibrant atmosphere, continues to be a coveted area for luxury real estate, making Sonakshi Sinha’s property a particularly attractive opportunity for discerning buyers.
With the apartment now on the market, it remains to be seen who will be the fortunate buyer to acquire this exclusive property. Sonakshi Sinha’s decision to part with the residence is a notable development in her personal and professional life, reflecting Sonakshi Sinha’s ongoing journey and evolving circumstances.