Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor has recently achieved a notable social media milestone. By surpassing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Instagram followers. With her follower count reaching an impressive 91.5 million. Kapoor now holds the third spot among the most-followed Indians on the platform. This surge in her social media popularity can be attributed largely to the tremendous success of her latest film, Stree 2, which premiered on August 15, 2024.
Box Office Success of Stree 2
Stree 2, directed by Amar Kaushik, has quickly become a box office hit, blending elements of horror and comedy to captivate audiences across the country. Within just six days of its release, the film has earned a remarkable Rs 254.55 crore nett in India and a global total of Rs 322.5 crore. The film’s success has not only drawn moviegoers to theaters but has also significantly boosted Kapoor’s Instagram following, thanks to her engaging posts and interactions with fans.
Shraddha Kapoor – Growing Influence
In response to her growing social media fame, Kapoor expressed her gratitude on Instagram. Stating, “Thank you for all the love pouring in for Stree 2. This journey has been incredible, and I’m thrilled to see our hard work resonating with so many people.” Kapoor’s recent success has elevated her status on Instagram, placing her alongside other major celebrities like cricket legend Virat Kohli and international actress Priyanka Chopra in the top three most-followed Indians on the platform.
Comparison with PM Modi’s Social Media Presence
While Kapoor’s Instagram popularity is soaring. It is worth noting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi remains the most-followed global leader. On X (formerly Twitter) boasting a substantial 101.2 million followers. Despite Kapoor’s rise on Instagram, Modi continues to maintain a commanding presence on social media. Highlighting the diverse ways in which public figures can engage with their audiences. Kapoor’s achievement underscores the growing influence of Bollywood stars in the digital age and their ability to connect with fans worldwide.