Shah Rukh Khan Charms Locarno Film Festival with Heartfelt Speech. Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, affectionately known as the Baadshah of Bollywood, recently added another prestigious accolade to his illustrious career. On August 10, 2024, he was honored with the Pardo alla Carriera Ascona-Locarno Tourism award at the 77th Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland. The event was memorable not just for the award but also for Shah Rukh Khan’s charming and humorous acceptance speech.
A Warm Welcome
Shah Rukh Khan Charms: As Shah Rukh Khan took the stage at the Piazza Grande, the audience greeted him with thunderous applause. The host of the event took a moment to teach him how to pronounce the name of the award, Pardo alla Carriera Ascona-Locarno Tourism. With his characteristic wit, Shah Rukh thanked her and playfully suggested to Giona A. Nazzaro, the Artistic Director of the festival, to consider a shorter name if they invited him again.
Expressing Gratitude: Shah Rukh Khan expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the audience during his speech. He began by acknowledging his warm reception, saying, “I want to thank you all for welcoming me with such wide arms, wider than the ones I do on screen.” He also drew a humorous comparison between the hot weather in Locarno and his home country, India, making the audience laugh.
Showcasing Indian Roots
One of the highlights of his speech was when he proudly showcased his Indian roots on the global stage. He concluded his speech with a heartfelt “Namaskar and dhanyawaad,” which means “greetings and thank you” in Hindi, and added, “God bless you all.” This gesture was met with loud cheers and applause from the audience.
Celebrating a Remarkable Career: The award at the Locarno Film Festival was a tribute to Shah Rukh Khan’s remarkable career in Indian cinema, which spans over three decades and includes a diverse range of roles in various genres. His contribution to the film industry has made him a global icon, beloved by fans all over the world.
Looking Ahead
On the professional front, Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up for his next project, an action thriller titled “King,” directed by Sujoy Ghosh. This film is particularly special as it marks his first collaboration with his daughter, Suhana Khan. Fans are eagerly awaiting this new venture, which promises to be another milestone in his illustrious career.