Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s much-anticipated film, Love and War, is set to commence filming this October, with Ranbir Kapoor slated to begin the shoot. Vicky Kaushal will join the cast around October 10, and Alia Bhatt is scheduled to start her part in December or early January, following her commitments to YRF’s Alpha.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love and War Begins Production with Major Star Cast
The filming will unfold in phases, capturing various dynamics among the stars. Initially, the focus will be on Ranbir Kapoor’s solo sequences, exploring his character’s individual journey. This will be followed by scenes highlighting the evolving friendship between Ranbir and Vicky Kaushal.
Vicky Kaushal will also be involved in romantic sequences with Alia Bhatt
Vicky will also be involved in romantic sequences with Alia Bhatt, adding a layer of emotional depth to the narrative. The film will also delve into dramatic confrontations and conflicts involving all three actors, creating a rich tapestry of relationships and storylines.
The production schedule is ambitious, aiming for completion by late 2025. Both Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal are expected to dedicate over 200 days to the film, reflecting the project’s scale and the depth of their involvement.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s vision for “Love and War” promises to be a grand cinematic experience, with intricate character development and dramatic storytelling at its core.
With a star-studded cast and Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s renowned directorial expertise, Love and War is poised to be a significant addition to Bollywood’s repertoire of epic films. Fans can look forward to a captivating blend of romance, friendship, and conflict, set against Bhansali’s signature wealthy style.