Bollywood-Rishab Shetty, celebrated for his breakthrough film Kantara (2022), continues to capture the spotlight with his diverse endeavors. Following the remarkable success of Kantara, which earned him a National Film Award for his stellar performance, Shetty is now promoting his latest Kannada project, Laughing Buddha, featuring Pramod Shetty. However, it is his recent remarks in an interview with MetroSaga that have sparked considerable discussion.
Criticizing Bollywood as International Image
In a candid interview, Shetty voiced his discontent with Bollywood’s portrayal of India at international film festivals. Speaking in Kannada, he criticized the tendency of Bollywood films to depict India in a negative light, particularly when showcased on global stages. Shetty argued that these films often receive undue acclaim while failing to represent the country’s true essence. He expressed a desire to present a more positive image of India through his work, stating, “My nation, my state, my language—my pride. Why not present it positively on the global stage? That’s what I strive to do.”
Kantara: Chapter 1—What to Expect
Rishab Shetty’s next major project, Kantara: Chapter 1, is eagerly anticipated as it continues the story from his previous hit, Kantara. Scheduled for release in early 2025, this film will see Shetty reprise his role and take on directorial duties. The project is generating significant buzz, with the fourth shooting schedule set to begin in late August. Kantara: Chapter 1 will delve into the backstory of the Panchurli Deiva during the Kadamba era, promising to expand on the rich lore established in the original film. Jisshu Sengupta will join Shetty in this highly anticipated sequel.
Challenges and Triumphs for Kannada Cinema
In addition to his film work, Shetty recently discussed the difficulties faced by Kannada cinema in gaining visibility on OTT platforms. Despite the acclaim and success of Kantara, he noted that Kannada films often struggle for exposure, sometimes resorting to direct releases on platforms like YouTube or through film festivals. Nevertheless, the recognition from the National Award has significantly elevated the profile of Kannada cinema on the national stage.