Priyanka Chopra Wraps Up “The Bluff” with Nick Jonas and Malti Marie. Priyanka Chopra recently concluded filming for her movie “The Bluff” in Australia. To mark this milestone, she shared a heartfelt wrap post on Instagram, featuring her husband Nick Jonas and their daughter Malti Marie. The post, dated August 11, 2024, offered fans a glimpse into her life on set and the joyous moments with her family.
Adorable Family Moments
The post began with a charming selfie of Priyanka, Nick, and Malti, all donning pirate hats. This playful image set the tone for the rest of the post, which was filled with love and celebration. One of the highlights was a video where Priyanka gave her last shot for the film. Afterwards, she hugged the crew members, and Nick, who was recording, encouraged Malti to “give mumma a big hug and say congratulations.” This touching moment captured the family’s support and love for each other.
Behind-the-Scenes Souvenirs: Priyanka’s post also included various souvenirs from the film, such as a log book and a scented candle with her character’s name, ‘Ercell,’ printed on it. She posed with her crew for some heartwarming photographs, showcasing the strong bonds formed during the shoot. Additionally, she shared glimpses of the delicious food she enjoyed in Australia, adding a personal touch to her wrap post.
Fun and Relaxation
A cute video showed Malti Marie having fun with her father, Nick. More slides featured Nick and Priyanka taking a sunkissed selfie and posing in front of her vanity. The team even recorded a funny video revealing Priyanka filming a stunt scene, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the movie-making process. Another selfie showed Priyanka in character, covered in wounds, highlighting the intense nature of her role. Nick was also seen enjoying a bonfire with a scenic view in the background, capturing serene moments amidst the busy filming schedule.
Priyanka’s Gratitude
In her caption, Priyanka expressed her gratitude and joy for completing “The Bluff.” She praised her cast and crew, calling the project a “labor of love” and thanked Amazon MGM Studios and AGBO for their faith in director Frank E. Flowers. She also mentioned her excitement about the beautiful locations they filmed in and her happiness about returning home.