Following the huge success of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, fans of the film have been anxiously awaiting the news of his upcoming project. HIT: The Third Case, which will be helmed by Sailesh Kolanu and supported by Prashanti Tipirneni on Wall Poster Cinema and Nani’s Unanimous Productions. The film is set to be Nani’s upcoming film, it was revealed today.
The official announcement of Nani’s HIT 3 was made through an intense and gripping video which was titled “Hunter’s Command”. The creators unveiled a sneak peek dubbed Hunter’s Command To reveal Nani‘s persona. The clip opens with a HIT officer being pursued by two officers, who are attempting to save him from harm. Nevertheless, they quickly learn that the HIT officer poses a threat to himself. His name is Arjun Sarkaar, and he poses a threat.
Bloodied hands and an axe in hand, Nani enters with a sophisticated yet vicious demeanour, his smoking style accentuating his fierce presence. “Get set and go,” is the succinct yet impactful sentence he delivers. His authoritative voice makes an impact. Apparently, Nani’s most fierce character is this one.
Technically speaking, the glimpse appears impressive thanks to Sanu John Varghese’s excellent camera work and Mickey J Meyer’s powerful BGM. The teaser increased curiosity about the film, which is slated for release on May 1st, 2025.
Sailesh Kolanu is the creator of the Telugu-language shared universe of criminal thriller movies known as HIT Universe. “Homicide Intervention Team” is an acronym for the universe’s name.
The universe’s first installment On February 28, 2020, HIT: The First Case was launched, and on December 2, 2022, HIT: The Second Case, the sequel, was made available which stared Adivi Sesh, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Suhas and Rao Ramesh. At the moment, it ranks as the thirteenth highest-grossing Telugu movie series globally.