The Telugu film industry is abuzz with excitement as fans eagerly await the latest update on Nani’s 32nd film, tentatively titled “Nani32.” Known for his versatile acting and charismatic screen presence, Nani has consistently delivered memorable performances, and his upcoming project promises to be no different. Nani32: The Anticipation Builds on sequels.
On September 3, 2024, Nani shared a cryptic poster on Twitter, sparking curiosity and speculation among his followers. The poster features a blood-stained hand gripping a car steering wheel, set against a dynamic backdrop, with the caption, “Haan Toh, September 5 at 11:04 AM”. This date holds special significance as it marks the anniversary of Nani’s debut film, “Ashta Chamma.”
The announcement has led to widespread speculation about the film’s genre and storyline. Some fans believe that “Nani32” could be the third installment in the popular “HIT” franchise, which has garnered a significant following. The climax of “HIT 2,” starring Adivi Sesh, hinted at a continuation, and Nani, who produces the series, might be stepping into the lead role for “HIT 3”.
The Anticipation Builds on sequels:
Adding to the excitement, Nani’s latest release, “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram,” has been performing exceptionally well at the box office. Released on August 29, 2024, the film has already grossed Rs 75 crores globally. Directed by Vivek Athreya, this action-packed drama continues to draw crowds, further cementing Nani’s status as a bankable star.
The upcoming announcement on September 5 is expected to reveal more details about “Nani32,” including the cast, crew, and possibly the official title. Fans are particularly eager to learn whether the film will indeed be “HIT 3” or if Nani has another surprise in store. The actor’s collaboration with director Sailesh Kolanu for the “HIT” series has been highly successful, and a third installment would undoubtedly be a major event in Telugu cinema.
Nani’s ability to choose diverse and engaging projects has earned him a loyal fan base. From romantic comedies to intense thrillers, he has showcased his range as an actor, and “Nani32” is expected to be another feather in his cap. The film industry and fans alike are eagerly counting down to September 5, when the mystery surrounding “Nani32” will finally be unveiled.