Superstar Mohanlal has been admitted to a hospital in Kochi after experiencing high-grade fever, breathing difficulties, and muscle pain. According to Dr. Gireesh Kumar’s official notification, the actor is suspected to be suffering from a viral respiratory infection. The 64-year-old actor is undergoing treatment and has been advised to avoid public interactions for the next five days as part of his recovery plan. The official statement was disseminated by industry tracker Sreedhar Pillai, confirming that Mohanlal is receiving appropriate care.
Mohanlal Had Fever and Breathing Issues?
The Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences has issued a detailed update on Mohanlal’s health. The statement affirms that the actor is making progress towards recovery. Admitted to the hospital due to his symptoms, which include a high fever and difficulty breathing, Mohanlal is currently being treated for a suspected viral respiratory infection. The medical team is providing him with medication to manage his fever and infection, and he has been advised to rest completely for five days while steering clear of crowded places to ensure full recovery.
Break From Movies!
In light of his health issues, Mohanlal has decided to take a break from both his personal and professional engagements. This pause in his schedule comes as he focuses on recuperating from the infection. His upcoming projects, including the 3D fantasy film “Barroz,” which marks his directorial debut, are still on track. The film is slated for release on October 3, 2024, and is eagerly anticipated by fans. Additionally, Mohanlal’s 360th film, tentatively titled “L360” and directed by Tharun Moorthy, is nearing completion. This film is expected to be released either in December 2024 or January 2025.
Upcoming Films
Following his recovery, Mohanlal is set to make a much-anticipated return to the big screen with “L2 Empuraan,” the sequel to “Lucifer,” directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran. The film is scheduled for release in March 2024. Despite the temporary halt in his activities due to his health, Mohanlal’s upcoming projects continue to generate excitement among his fans and the film industry.