Manish Malhotra recently took a nostalgic look back at his enduring friendship with filmmaker Karan Johar, a bond that began over three decades ago. The story of their friendship traces back to their collaborative work on the 1995 blockbuster Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, directed by Aditya Chopra.
Manish Malhotra Shares Sridevi Was The Reason For 30-Year Friendship with Karan Johar
Manish Malhotra shared that his initial connection with Karan Johar started in a rather informal setting. He was brought onto the project for the film Gumrah, which was produced by Yash Johar, Karan Johar’s father. It was during this period, while working on the film, that Manish Malhotra first met Karan Johar.
Manish Malhotra recalled a rather amusing anecdote from the early days of their acquaintance. When he needed to reach Yash Johar with questions or updates, it was often Karan who answered the phone. According to Manish Malhotra, Karan Johar once pointed out that he had never been properly greeted before inquiries were made, prompting Malhotra to apologize and make it a point to say hello before addressing any questions about Yash Johar.
Their friendship grew gradually as they continued to cross paths on various film sets. The turning point in their relationship came during a dinner outing where the two engaged in a long conversation. This meeting was pivotal in cementing their bond, leading to a deep and lasting friendship that has endured through the years. As they celebrate their three-decade-long bond, both Manish Malhotra and Karan Johar continue to influence the entertainment industry with their respective talents, embodying a friendship that has weathered the test of time and professional challenges.