Mohanlal-Jeethu Joseph has been actively promoting his latest film, Nunakuzhi, over the past few days, and during this promotional tour, he has been frequently questioned about the status of Drishyam 3. In a recent interview with Red FM Malayalam, the acclaimed filmmaker shared some intriguing updates about the highly anticipated third installment of the Drishyam series. Joseph explained that while he is still in the process of crafting a compelling opening for the movie, he has been inspired by an unexpected source.
Jeethu Joseph On Drishyam 3
Joseph revealed that his initial concept for Drishyam 3 was significantly influenced by a conversation with renowned singer K S Chithra. During a visit to a reality show set to promote Nunakuzhi, Chithra proposed a novel idea for the movie’s beginning. Joseph admitted that while he already had a preliminary idea for the film’s opening. Chithra’s suggestion prompted him to rethink and explore a new perspective. This surprising input demonstrates how Joseph draws inspiration from a wide range of sources. Often finding creative sparks in unexpected places.
The director is known for his ability to generate fresh ideas from unconventional experiences. For instance, he once conceived the climactic scene of Drishyam. Where Georgekutty buries Varun’s body beneath a police station, while playing badminton. This anecdote highlights Joseph’s unique approach to storytelling and his openness to diverse inspirations, which contribute to the originality and depth of his films.
Mohanlal Drishyam 3 Release Date
The anticipation for Drishyam 3 is palpable, given the success of its predecessors. The original Drishyam starring Mohanlal. Released in 2013, was a major box office hit and received widespread acclaim for its gripping narrative and strong performances. Its sequel, Drishyam 2, continued to impress audiences and critics alike, reaffirming Joseph’s prowess as a thriller director. Both films, available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar and Amazon Prime Video. It have solidified Mohanlal’s status as a leading actor in the thriller genre. Fans eagerly await the next chapter in this compelling series.