Sanjay Dutt will be shooting in Punjab starting in October 2024 alongside Ajay Devgn and the rest of the cast. The news is adding to the excitement surrounding the next movie Son of Sardar 2. Devgn is recognized for his strong connection with Dutt. Devgn is said to have gone beyond to secure his friend’s participation in this follow-up.
Ajay Devgn to join Sanjay Dutt for son of sardaar 2
Sanjay’s participation was questioned when he had to skip the UK shooting schedule because of visa complications. But Dainik Bhaskar’s most recent update reassures fans that he will still play a major part. The eagerly anticipated reunion of Ajay and Sanjay on screen will delight fans.
Furthermore, Son of Sardaar 2 will not be related to its previous one, according to the report. A role that is symbolic of Vasooli Bhai will appear in the sequel, along with a spectacular gang fight between Punjabi and Bihari Dons. Furthermore, Sanjay Mishra has been cast in the role played by Ravi Kishan, who was originally slated to play Vijay Raaz.
Dutt will play Don, which will spice up the plot and give it more dimension. A visual and emotional feast is in store for fans with exciting action sequences set against the bright backdrop of Punjab.
Ajay Devgn and Mrunal Thakur are leading the cast of the film, which is presently being filmed in the UK. A group of gifted performers, including Kubbra Sait, Vindu, and Chunky Panday and others are also featured in the film.
Vindu Dara Singh recently said in an interview that he is currently filming Son of Sardaar 2 with Devgn. He said that they have been close since they were young and that their friendship has been long-standing.
Vindu stated that although the film’s title is still the same, the plot has changed. He called it a hilarious and incredibly engaging movie that will make viewers laugh. Fans’ excitement was also highlighted by Vindu. He mentioned that they have been waiting impatiently for the sequel for a long time and that it will finally be released next year.