David Dhawan, the acclaimed Bollywood director known for his comedic flair, has often used his sharp wit to playfully roast his son, actor Varun Dhawan. Their father-son banter has become a favorite among fans, showcasing a unique dynamic that blends humor with affection.
8 Times David Dhawan Roasted His Son Varun Dhawan
1. Fitness: During a promotional event, David joked about Varun’s rigorous workout routines, claiming that his son was more concerned with selfies at the gym than actual exercise. This playful jab highlighted Varun’s fitness obsession in a humorous light.
2. Film Choice Critique: David once teased Varun about his film choices, saying that his son was so eager to do different roles that he might end up playing a tree in his next film. The comment was a tongue-in-cheek remark on Varun’s adventurous approach to choosing roles.
3. Fashion: At a family gathering, David humorously criticized Varun’s fashion sense, claiming that his wardrobe choices often looked like they were picked in the dark. This light-hearted roast focused on Varun’s sometimes bold fashion statements.
4. Acting Skills Slam: In a television interview, David jokingly suggested that Varun’s acting was so over-the-top that it could make even the most serious script look like a comedy. His comment was a playful nudge at Varun’s energetic performances.
5. Early Acting Days: David reminisced about Varun’s early acting days, making fun of how he would run away from home to avoid rehearsals. This anecdote highlighted Varun’s initial reluctance and the humorous side of his entry into the film industry.
6. Social Media Addiction: David once poked fun at Varun’s social media habits, joking that his son was more active online than he was on film sets. The roast reflected the humorous side of Varun’s online presence.
7. Diet Drama: At a public event, David joked about Varun’s diet plans, saying that his son’s constant obsession with food was the real reason behind his strict diet regimen. The comment was a playful jab at Varun’s food preferences.
8. Dance Moves: David Dhawan humorously critiqued Varun Dhawan’s dance moves, claiming that his son often danced like he was trying to fend off imaginary insects. This light-hearted roast was a nod to Varun’s energetic dance performances.