Did you know Shah Rukh Khan has a trophy library? Read more to know. In a recent interview, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan shared intriguing details about his extensive collection of awards and how he displays them. When questioned by a news portal about his trophy cabinet, Shah Rukh Khan provided a glimpse into his impressive collection, revealing that it far exceeds typical expectations.
Shah Rukh Khan Reveals His Impressive Trophy Collection and Library-Style Display
Shah Rukh Khan revealed that his trophy collection is housed in a space much larger than one might imagine. “I do have a trophy cabinet, and it’s actually bigger than this room!” Shah Rukh Khan disclosed. The actor went on to explain that he has accumulated around 300 awards over the years, a testament to his remarkable career and the recognition he has garnered for his work in the film industry.
Rather than a conventional trophy room, Shah Rukh Khan’s collection is housed in a uniquely designed space. He described his award display as being spread across a nine-storey office building. Each floor of this expansive office features a portion of his awards, illustrating the sheer volume and variety of accolades he has received.
Shah Rukh Khan further elaborated on the design of this special area, noting that it is not merely a trophy room but rather a library. “It’s not a trophy room; it’s a library designed in the style of an English library,” Shah Rukh Khan explained. This design choice reflects a blend of functionality and elegance, creating an environment that both showcases his achievements and provides a space for reflection and study. Shah Rukh Khan’s revelation offers fans and admirers a deeper understanding of how he values and honors his professional successes.