Madhur Bhandarkar revealed how top actresses like Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Kareena Kapoor Khan reduced their fees for his films. In a recent interview with a news portal, acclaimed filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar shed light on a noteworthy aspect of his collaborations with various actresses. Bhandarkar discussed how many prominent female stars willingly reduced their fees when working on his projects, demonstrating their commitment to the roles and films.
Madhur Bhandarkar revealed he faced significant budget constraints
Madhur Bhandarkar, known for his realistic and often gritty portrayals of contemporary issues, shared that during the production of Chandni Bar, he faced significant budget constraints. With a budget of just ₹1.5 crore, he revealed that actress Tabu, who played a crucial role in the film, did not charge a standard fee. Instead, she accepted compensation only for the Bombay or Delhi distribution rights, showing immense dedication to the project.
He also highlighted similar gestures from other well-known actresses. Raveena Tandon, who starred in Satta, and Bipasha Basu, who appeared in Corporate, both agreed to lower their rates for their respective roles. This willingness to adjust their fees was driven by their enthusiasm for the films and a desire to contribute to their success.
Furthermore, Bhandarkar noted that Priyanka Chopra and Kareena Kapoor Khan also demonstrated their support in this manner. Chopra, who worked with Madhur Bhandarkar on Fashion, and Kareena Kapoor Khan, who featured in Heroine, both reduced their usual fees. Bhandarkar attributed this gesture to the actresses’ eagerness to be part of these projects, understanding that their performances were central to the films’ overall impact.
The filmmaker, Madhur Bhandarkar emphasized that these concessions were not merely financial but also reflected the actresses’ commitment to the roles and the stories being told. Their willingness to work for reduced fees allowed Madhur Bhandarkar to make films that might have otherwise been financially unfeasible. The support from these actresses highlights their dedication to their craft and their belief in the projects they chose to be part of.