“Yellamma,” hoped to be a Nani project, directed by Venu Yeldandi and produced by Dil Raju, is generating significant buzz as one of the most awaited Telugu films. Venu Yeldandi, renowned for his emotional and impactful storytelling, previously earned critical acclaim for his film about death and its aftermath in Telangana villages. This success elevated his reputation in the industry, making “Yellamma” a highly anticipated project.
The Evolution of the Yellamma Project
The journey of the “Yellamma” project has seen several changes before reaching its current form. Initially, the film was set to star Nani. However, due to undisclosed reasons—possibly related to remuneration or script alterations—Nani exited the project. Sharwanand was then considered for the lead role, but he too eventually stepped away. Reports also hinted that Sai Durga Tej was slated for a significant role. Ultimately, Teja Sajja emerged as the film’s lead, with Venu Yeldandi tailoring the script to suit Sajja’s strengths and vision.
Teja Sajja’s Role from Nani
In “Yellamma,” Teja Sajja takes on the role of the protagonist, inspired by the legendary figure Komuravelli Mallanna. The film, like Venu Yeldandi’s previous work “Balagam,” aims to showcase the rich culture and traditions of Telangana. “Yellamma” is described as a grand fantasy action drama, set to be released on a pan-India scale. The film promises to deliver a visual spectacle, with the last 30 minutes featuring intense action sequences. Reports suggest that Teja Sajja’s character will embody Komuravelli Mallanna during the climax, adding a unique dimension to the narrative.
Production and Future Prospects
Production of “Yellamma” has faced several delays, but it is now slated to commence in October, with regular shooting scheduled to begin within the same month. The combination of Venu Yeldandi’s direction and Teja Sajja’s performance is expected to make “Yellamma” a standout entry in the fantasy genre. If the film lives up to the expectations set by its intriguing plot and the creative vision behind it, it has the potential to become a major blockbuster in Tollywood.