The natural beauty, Shraddha Kapoor has recently bagged a box office hit with the Hindi language comedy horror film, Stree 2 directed by Amar Kaushik. The film is the sequel to the movie Stree released in 2018 which was also a blockbuster hit at that time. The horror comedy starred Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor and among others.
While Stree 2 continues its rampage in terms of box office collections, Shraddha Kapoor drops a new announcement through her Instagram handle.
Today on 27th August Shraddha Kapoor took to her Instagram handle to announce her collaboration with ‘Hello Indio – Arabia’ magazine for the August-September issue as she appeared on the cover page of the magazine. while announcing on the official page of the magazine they wrote, “Introducing our August-September 2024 issue with none other than Shraddha Kapoor. The supremely talented actress has a string of hit movies to her name in a career spanning 14 years, including her most recent release, Stree 2, which has broken records and officially become the biggest Bollywood film of the year. “Stree has empowered me. The film is centred around a woman and she holds the reins of the narrative,” she tells HELLO! Indo-Arabia in an exclusive interview.” It was again shared by Shraddha Kapoor on her page.
Shraddha shines bright in her look on the cover page with the white and golden combination and looks tremendously beautiful setting hearts on fire.
On the work front, although Shraddha Kapoor has not yet revealed her next project, she has confirmed that she is working on a mythological tale and a time travel story.