Rishab Shetty, the acclaimed Kannada actor and director, recently stirred controversy with his remarks about Bollywood. Shetty, who gained widespread recognition for his film “Kantara,” criticized Bollywood for portraying India in a negative light. His comments came shortly after he won the National Film Award for Best Actor for his performance in “Kantara.” Rishab Shetty Criticizes Bollywood for Negative Portrayal of India.
Rishab Shetty Criticizes Bollywood:
In an interview, Rishab Shetty expressed his frustration with how Bollywood films often depict India. He stated, “Indian films, especially Bollywood, show India in a bad light. These so-called art films get showcased at international events and receive special attention. For me, my nation, my state, and my language are sources of pride. I believe in presenting them in a positive light to the world, and that’s exactly what I strive to do”.
Rishab’s remarks have sparked a heated debate on social media. While some supported his viewpoint, others criticized him for his comments. Critics pointed out that Shetty’s own film, “Kantara,” contained scenes that were controversial, such as a waist-pinching scene that some viewers found objectionable. This led to accusations of hypocrisy, with netizens questioning Shetty’s stance on the portrayal of India in films.
Despite the backlash, Rishab Shetty stood by his comments, emphasizing his commitment to showcasing the positive aspects of Indian culture and heritage. He argued that films have a significant impact on how a country is perceived globally and that filmmakers have a responsibility to present their nation in a positive light. “My nation, my state, my language—my pride. Why not take it on a positive note globally, and that’s what I try to do,” Shetty reiterated.
Shetty’s film “Kantara,” which was released in 2022, has been praised for its portrayal of traditional Indian culture and folklore. The film, set in the fictional village of Dakshina Kannada, follows the story of a Kambala champion who faces off against a forest officer. The movie’s success has cemented Shetty’s status as a prominent figure in the Kannada film industry.
The debate over Shetty’s comments highlights the broader discussion about the role of cinema in shaping perceptions of a country. While some argue that films should reflect the realities of society, others believe that cinema should focus on promoting a positive image. Shetty’s stance has added fuel to this ongoing debate, prompting discussions about the responsibilities of filmmakers and the impact of their work on national and international perceptions.