In 2016, as Priyanka Chopra was making significant strides in the international entertainment scene, she found herself at the center of an intriguing exchange with a reporter during an event. The reporter, seeking to draw a comparison between Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone’s growing Hollywood careers, broached the subject of their alleged rivalry.
Priyanka Chopra Responds to Rivalry Questions with Deepika Padukone
The journalist began by acknowledging Priyanka Chopra’s impressive achievements on the global stage and noted that Deepika Padukone was also gaining recognition in Hollywood. He then posed a question about the speculation circulating that their friendly relationship had evolved into a competitive dynamic on an international scale.
In response to this pointed query, Priyanka Chopra showcased her characteristic composure and sharp wit. Priyanka Chopra addressed the reporter’s implication with a touch of irony, saying, “I thought you guys used to say that we were friends, now it has become a competition. Everyone earlier wrote we were BFFs, so how did it change, when did it change, and why did it change?”
Priyanka Chopra’s reply underscored her disapproval of the media’s tendency to create and perpetuate rivalries among celebrities. Priyanka Chopra’s response highlighted the inconsistency in how her relationship with Padukone was being portrayed, shifting from one of friendship to competition.
At the time, Priyanka Chopra had already made a significant impact in Hollywood, with her role in the American TV show Quantico marking a major milestone in her career. Meanwhile, Deepika Padukone was also making headlines with her Hollywood debut in films like xXx: Return of Xander Cage. Despite their successes, Priyanka Chopra’s response pointedly challenged the notion that their achievements should be pitted against each other.