Anushka Sharma, a celebrated Bollywood actress, recently shared her insights on the challenges and realities of parenting alongside her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli. Speaking at a brand event in Mumbai, Anushka discussed the pressures they face as parents to their children, Vamika and Akaay, and emphasized the importance of embracing imperfections and setting a positive example. Anushka Sharma on Parenting, Embracing Imperfections with Virat Kohli.
Anushka highlighted the significant pressure to be the perfect parent. She stressed that it is perfectly acceptable to admit to children that their parents are not flawless and that they will occasionally make mistakes. “It’s important for children to understand that their parents are human too,” she said. By acknowledging their flaws, parents can help alleviate some of the pressure children might feel to live up to unrealistic standards.
Anushka Sharma on Parenting:
Becoming a parent has significantly altered Anushka’s social life. She now prefers to associate with a small group of like-minded individuals. “I find it confusing when people ask me out for dinner,” she admitted. “Around the time they have dinner, I’m likely munching on something small.” This shift in social dynamics is a common experience for many new parents, who often find their priorities and schedules changing dramatically.
Anushka and Virat are committed to setting a positive example for their children. Instead of merely instructing them, they strive to lead by example. Anushka mentioned that she and Virat make a conscious effort to cook traditional family recipes for their kids, ensuring that valuable traditions are passed down. “Sometimes I cook, and sometimes my husband cooks, but I do cheat by calling my mom for recipes,” she shared.
The couple also maintains a strict routine for their children, even while traveling. “Meal times are fixed—no matter where we are, we eat at the same time and sleep at the same time,” Anushka explained. This consistency helps provide a sense of stability and control for their children, despite the frequent changes in their environment.
Anushka Sharma’s approach to parenting with Virat Kohli is a testament to the importance of embracing imperfections and leading by example. By acknowledging their flaws and setting a positive example, they are not only raising their children with strong values but also navigating the challenges of parenthood with grace and authenticity.