Ananya Panday’s much-anticipated series, Call Me Bae, has officially premiered on Prime Video, and it’s already creating quite a buzz. The show, backed by Karan Johar, showcases Ananya in a new light, playing a fashion expert navigating the highs and lows of her glamorous yet tumultuous life. The series, which started streaming on September 6, has been eagerly awaited by fans and critics alike. Ananya Panday’s Call me bae got Sweet Shoutout from Rumored BF.
Ananya Panday’s Call me bae:
Adding to the excitement, Ananya received a heartwarming shoutout from her rumored beau, Walker Blanco. Walker, a former model and current employee at the Ambani family’s Vantara Animal Park in Jamnagar, Gujarat, took to Instagram to share his support. He posted a story featuring a poster of Call Me Bae with the caption, “Hey bae,” which quickly caught the attention of fans and media.
The connection between Ananya and Walker reportedly began at a high-profile cruise party hosted by the Ambani family during Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding celebrations. Their chemistry was evident, and the two have since been seen together on multiple occasions, sparking dating rumors.
Walker Blanco, originally from Chicago, Illinois, has a background in modeling, having walked the ramp for Giorgio Armani’s Spring/Summer collection in 2020. His Instagram profile reveals his passion for wildlife, frequently sharing photos and videos of various animals. His association with the Ambani family and his presence at their events have further fueled speculation about his relationship with Ananya.
Ananya, who previously dated actor Aditya Roy Kapur, has been candid about her views on relationships. In a 2023 interview, she expressed her disdain for “situationships” and emphasized her preference for genuine connections over maintaining a relationship status for social media. Her rumored relationship with Walker seems to align with her desire for authenticity and meaningful connections.
Call Me Bae has been praised for its fresh take on the life of a fashion expert. Ananya’s portrayal of the clueless yet endearing Bae has been well-received, with critics noting her ability to bring a blend of naiveté and charm to the character. The series promises to be a delightful watch, filled with drama, humor, and a touch of romance.