Naga Chaitanya’s latest appearance has shocked and surprised everyone. it marks his first official appearance post-engagement with Sobhita Dhulipala. A video of the actor has surfaced on social media which has left netizens excited yet confused. In the clip, Chay is seen dressed as a groom. He looks charming as always in a white sherwani as he arrives in a car with what looks like his ‘baraat’ as people are dancing to the beats.
later the source confirmed that Chay was present there for an opening ceremony of the mall on the occasion of the event chay gave his first interview after he got engaged to an actress Sobhita Dhulipala where he was asked about the engagement and the wedding to the question chay responded by saying that, “I am super happy that I met my partner and very soon I will disclose all the wedding details.”
Back on August 8, 2024, Chay and Sobhita got engaged in the former’s residence. The duo rang in an extremely private and intimate ceremony, surrounded by their immediate family members only.
On the work front, Naga Chaitanya is gearing up for his next release titled Thandel. Directed by Chandoo Miondeti, the movie features Sai Pallavi as the leading lady opposite Chay. The film is slated to hit the theaters on October 11, 2024.