Vikram’s latest film, “Thangalaan,” which debuted on August 15, 2024, has been generating considerable excitement, especially in the southern states of India. Despite facing intense competition during the busy Independence Day week, this period action saga, directed by Pa. Ranjith, has managed to make a solid start. Here’s Thangalaan Box Office on its Second day.
Thangalaan Box Office
On its second day, “Thangalaan” continued to perform well, earning approximately ₹4 crore in India net across all languages. The film’s total collection saw a notable rise, reaching ₹17.30 crore, with ₹13.3 crore from its opening day and ₹4 crore from the second day.
In Tamil Nadu, “Thangalaan” achieved an overall occupancy rate of 32.57% on Friday, August 16, 2024. Meanwhile, the Telugu version of the film experienced a slightly higher occupancy rate of 36.46%. These occupancy rates indicate that the film has managed to capture significant audience interest, particularly in the southern states, suggesting that it is performing well and resonating with viewers.
On Friday, August 16, 2024, “Thangalaan” recorded an overall Telugu occupancy rate of 36.46%. For Day 2, the occupancy in theaters was distributed as follows: 25.64% for morning shows, 35.55% for afternoon shows, 39.26% for evening shows, and 45.39% for night shows.
Plot Summary
Directed by Pa. Ranjith, “Thangalaan” is a period action saga that blends historical events with mythical elements. Set in the year 1850 CE in the village of Veppur, the story revolves around a tribal group led by their chief, Thangalaan. They are employed by a British officer to search for gold in what is now the Kolar Gold Fields. The quest for gold brings them into conflict with a mystical force, represented by a local sorceress named Aarathi. This clash between the earthly realm and the supernatural elements forms the captivating narrative of the film.
Anticipation for the Extended Weekend
As the extended weekend progresses, all eyes will be on “Thangalaan.” To gauge how it continues to perform at the box office. With its intriguing plot and strong start, the film is expected to maintain its momentum and potentially attract even more viewers as the holiday period continues.