Stree 2 Day Two Box Office: Horror Comedy Poised for Rs 200 Crore Mark. The much-anticipated sequel, Stree 2, starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, has taken the box office by storm. Directed by Amar Kaushik, this horror-comedy has shown remarkable resilience in its collections on the second day, indicating a strong hold with numbers ranging between Rs 29.00 crore to Rs 31.00 crore. The film is flirting with the Rs 30 crore mark on its second day.
Impressive Two-Day Total
Including previews, the two-day total of Stree 2 stands around Rs 90.50 crore. The film is set to enter the Rs 100 crore club in just three and a half days. National chains are expected to collect around Rs 15.00 crore nett on Friday, compared to Rs 25.00 crore nett on Thursday. This performance is noteworthy, especially considering Friday was a non-holiday.
Outstanding Business Across the Board: Stree 2 has done outstanding business across both single screens and multiplexes. It is poised to be the first blockbuster of Hindi cinema in 2024. Coming off the huge Independence Day business, the film’s ability to maintain such strongholds after a national holiday is commendable. The four-day weekend is expected to be in the range of Rs 170 crore, with the film likely to hit the Rs 200 crore mark by Monday, which is also a partial holiday due to Raksha Bandhan.
Overcoming Capacity Issues
The film faced capacity issues on its opening day, leading to a strong overflow of audience on Friday. This non-holiday performance is a testament to the film’s widespread appreciation. The sky is the limit for the lifetime business of Stree 2, with several numbers being discussed. However, predicting an exact figure is challenging as the film’s trajectory will become clearer after the holiday period ends on Tuesday.
Historic Numbers for a Mid-Budget Film: These are historic numbers for a mid-budget film and will surely motivate many filmmakers to focus on commercial storytelling. While it’s too early to provide an accurate estimate. The current range seems ideal based on data received at 6 PM. Horror comedies often overperform during late-night shows, potentially adding to the film’s success.