The much-anticipated sequel, Stree 2, starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, has been making waves at the box office since its release. Directed by Amar Kaushik, the horror-comedy has not only lived up to the expectations but has also set new benchmarks in terms of box office collections. As the film completes its sixth day in theaters, it continues to draw audiences in large numbers, contributing to its impressive earnings. Stree 2 Day 6 Box Office Collection: A Phenomenal Run Continues.
Stree 2 Day 6 Box Office Collection:
On its sixth day, Stree 2 managed to rake in an impressive ₹25 crore nett in India. This brings the total domestic collection to a staggering ₹254.55 crore. The film’s performance on Tuesday, which was a working day, is particularly noteworthy as it maintained strong numbers despite the weekday dip that most films experience. This consistent performance highlights the film’s strong word-of-mouth and the audience’s continued interest.
Stree 2 has been on a record-breaking spree since its release. The film opened to a massive ₹51.8 crore on its first day, followed by ₹31.4 crore on the second day and ₹43.85 crore on the third day. The momentum continued into the fourth and fifth days, with collections of ₹55.9 crore and ₹38.1 crore respectively. These figures not only reflect the film’s popularity but also its ability to attract audiences across different demographics.
The success of Stree 2 is not limited to the domestic market. The film has also performed exceptionally well internationally, crossing the ₹350 crore mark worldwide. This global appeal is a testament to the film’s universal themes and the strong performances by its lead actors. The film’s unique blend of horror and comedy, coupled with a compelling storyline, has resonated with audiences globally.
Competition and Future Prospects:
Despite facing competition from other releases like Khel Khel Mein and Vedaa, Stree 2 has emerged as the top choice for moviegoers. The film’s strong performance has overshadowed its competitors, ensuring a dominant position at the box office. With no major releases lined up in the immediate future, Stree 2 is expected to continue its successful run, potentially crossing the ₹400 crore mark in its second week.
Stree 2 has undoubtedly set a high bar for sequels in the Indian film industry. Its phenomenal box office performance, both domestically and internationally, underscores the film’s widespread appeal and the audience’s love for the franchise. As the film continues to draw crowds, it is poised to achieve even greater milestones in the coming days. The success of Stree 2 is a celebration of good storytelling, stellar performances, and the magic of cinema that brings people together.