“Stree 2,” starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, has set new benchmarks at the box office, outperforming several notable films and making waves in the industry. The film’s impressive performance has surpassed the worldwide box office records of Shraddha Kapoor’s previous co-star, Ranbir Kapoor, and is now setting its sights on challenging the records held by Deepika Padukone’s “Kalki 2898 AD.”
Day 19 Box Office Performance
On its 19th day, which was a Monday, “Stree 2” earned ₹6.5 crores, as reported by Sacnilk. This latest earnings push the film’s total box office collection to ₹508 crores net and ₹700 crores gross worldwide. Despite being in its third week of release, “Stree 2” continues to attract audiences. Maintaining a robust presence in theaters and demonstrating its enduring appeal.
Second Highest Grossing Film of 2024 Surpassing Animal
“Animal,” another film featuring Ranbir Kapoor, had a lifetime worldwide box office collection of ₹505 crores. “Stree 2” has now surpassed this figure with ease, solidifying its status as a major box office contender. With this accomplishment, the film has showcased its widespread appeal and strong word-of-mouth, positioning itself as a formidable player in the current cinematic landscape.
With a gross collection of ₹700 crores, “Stree 2” has become the second highest-grossing film of 2024. To surpass “Kalki 2898 AD” and claim the top spot as the highest-grossing Bollywood film of the year, it would need to earn an additional ₹300 crores in the coming weeks. The big question is whether any other film in 2024 will come close to achieving such a feat.
Can Stree 2 Break Kalki 2898 AD’s Records?
While the momentum for the film has naturally slowed down. As is typical in the film’s third week, it is expected to remain in theaters for an extended period. The film is currently a little beyond halfway to the ₹1000-crore mark, the lifetime collection record of “Kalki 2898 AD.” Reaching this milestone will require sustained performance and could be further challenged by the re-release of other films. Despite these potential hurdles, “Stree 2” has emerged as a strong competitor and could come very close to breaking existing records.