The Telugu action thriller “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” is making significant waves at the box office, amassing a total of ₹14.75 crore since its release. Featuring Nani and Priyanka Mohan in pivotal roles, the film garnered an impressive ₹9 crore on its opening day, with the Telugu version contributing ₹8.75 crore, Tamil ₹24 lakh, and Malayalam ₹1 lakh. Despite a strong start, the film experienced a slight dip in earnings on its second day, securing approximately ₹5.75 crore in India net across all languages.
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram Box Office
On its second day, “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” earned around ₹5.74 crore (net) across India. The movie’s initial momentum was significant, with the first day’s collection highlighting its broad appeal. The Telugu version alone accounted for ₹8.75 crore of the opening day’s earnings, while the Tamil and Malayalam versions added ₹0.24 crore and ₹0.01 crore, respectively. This performance reflects a 39.34 percent occupancy rate in Telugu-speaking regions, underscoring the film’s strong local engagement.
Critical Reception and Future Prospects
“Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” has received positive reviews from audiences and critics alike, which bodes well for its theatrical longevity. The film is expected to maintain a successful run given its favorable reception and mass-appeal narrative. This action-packed entertainer marks the second collaboration between lead actor Nani and director Vivek Athreya. Following their previous successful project, “Ante Sundaraniki.”
Production and Cast Details
Directed by Vivek Athreya and produced by DVV Entertainment, “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” features a robust cast including Priyanka Arulmohan, S. J. Suryah, Abhirami, and P. Sai Kumar. The film’s production quality and engaging storyline have contributed to its strong performance at the box office. As the film continues its run, it is anticipated to attract more audiences. Bolstering its overall earnings and reinforcing its position as a notable hit in the Telugu cinema landscape.