Ravi Teja’s latest film, Mr. Bachchan – The Only Hope, released on August 15, 2024, faced significant hurdles at the box office despite high expectations. The movie, which features Teja in the role of Anand, an incorruptible Income Tax Officer, struggled to draw audiences. On its opening day, the film earned an estimated ₹6.35 crore net in India, including ₹1.80 crore from paid previews.
However, the film’s performance quickly dwindled over the following days. In the first three days, Mr. Bachchan accumulated a total of ₹7.2 crore domestically, with a sharp decline noted on Day 2 and 3. Day 2 saw earnings of only ₹1.1 crore, and Day 3 further dropped to ₹85 lakhs.
Mr. Bachchan Box Office Declines
The drastic drop in box office collections continued to impact Mr. Bachchan – The Only Hope‘s overall performance, culminating in a total domestic gross of ₹8.25 crore. The film’s overseas performance added some relief, contributing an additional ₹2 crore to the total earnings. Despite this, the film’s trajectory indicates a struggle to maintain its initial momentum. The significant decrease in audience interest became evident as the film’s collections dwindled further, reflecting the challenges it faced in capturing a broader audience.
Occupancy Rates and Audience Reception
On August 18, 2024, the film’s occupancy rates displayed a notable drop, with overall Telugu occupancy at just 20.13%. Breaking it down, the occupancy rates for different showtimes were as follows: morning shows had a low 12.65%, afternoon shows saw a slightly higher 21.51%, evening shows were at 24.06%, and night shows had a marginally better 22.29%. These figures highlight a consistent underperformance throughout the day, contributing to the film’s struggle to attract and retain viewers.
Plot and Character Overview
In Mr. Bachchan, Ravi Teja portrays Anand, a dedicated Income Tax Officer known for his integrity and relentless pursuit of justice against corruption. The storyline is set against a backdrop of political intrigue involving MP Jaggayya, played by Jagapathi Babu. Jaggayya, who harbors a deep-seated grudge against Anand, becomes a central antagonist after a high-profile Income Tax raid on his residence.
The film explores Anand’s journey through these trials and tribulations, shedding light on the challenges he faces and the events that lead him to earn the epithet “Mr. Bachchan.” Despite the compelling plot and robust performances, the film’s lackluster box office performance reflects the broader challenges it encountered in appealing to audiences.