“Devara” features a star-studded cast, including Janhvi Kapoor in her Telugu film debut and Saif Ali Khan. The film has been generating excitement since the release of its first look and teasers. Jr NTR’s considerable fan following, bolstered by the global success of “RRR,” has undoubtedly played a key role in driving the film’s advance sales. The buzz around the film reflects high anticipation, setting the stage for a successful premiere.
Devara Advance Box Office
Jr NTR’s upcoming film “Devara” is already making a significant impact at the US box office, even with 24 days remaining before its official release. Directed by Koratala Siva, the action drama has generated considerable buzz, evident from its impressive advance ticket sales. The film has already grossed $176,000 from seven sold-out shows, with $150,000 of that total coming from the US alone. This early success suggests a promising start for “Devara” in North America.
Runtime and Audience Expectations
The runtime for “Devara” is speculated to be around 3 hours and 10 minutes, which is considered lengthy by current standards. While there is a possibility that Koratala Siva and his team might shorten the film before release, a compelling storyline could mitigate any concerns about the length. The film has already sold 4,732 tickets in the US for its premiere day, with more locations likely to open up as the release date approaches.
Comparative Sales and Future Prospects
When compared to “RRR,” “Devara” has achieved 5.45% of the advance sales for the premiere day, where “RRR” had amassed nearly $2.75 million. With 24 days still to go before its release, “Devara” has already made a strong start with $150,000 in gross earnings. This early success indicates that the film could follow in “RRR’s” footsteps and achieve significant box office success. Set to release on September 26, “Devara” promises to deliver an epic action saga inspired by real-life events, with Jr NTR portraying a heroic figure against a coastal backdrop.