Pawan Kalyan’s iconic film Gabbar Singh Re-Release Box Office has taken the North America by storm with its recent re-release, surpassing all other South Indian film re-releases. The film has now officially eclipsed Chiranjeevi’s “Indra,” which previously held the record for the highest lifetime collection among South Indian re-releases in North America. “Gabbar Singh” has not only achieved this remarkable feat but has set a new benchmark for re-released South Indian films in the region.
Gabbar Singh Re-Release Box Office
The re-release of “Gabbar Singh” has seen impressive box office figures. On its opening day, the film earned $60,216 from 118 locations, demonstrating a strong initial performance. Although there was a slight dip in collections on the second day, the film still managed to bring in $5,807 from 7 locations. The third day saw a further decline, with the film collecting $119 from just 2 locations. Despite these fluctuations, the total gross collection has reached an impressive $66,413, reflecting a remarkable overseas performance for “Gabbar Singh.”
Dethroning Chiranjeevi’s Indra
“Gabbar Singh” has officially surpassed Chiranjeevi’s “Indra,” which had a lifetime North American box office collection of $65,720. This milestone makes “Gabbar Singh” the most successful South Indian film re-release in North America to date. The film’s ability to surpass previous records highlights its enduring popularity and strong fan base, setting a new standard for South Indian cinema in the international market.
Other South Indian Films in North America
In addition to “Gabbar Singh,” several other South Indian films have made notable impacts in North America. Films like “Murari,” “Simhadri,” and “Jalsa” have also achieved significant box office collections, grossing $60,642, $59,843, and $37,973, respectively. Originally released in 2012, “Gabbar Singh” was a major box office hit, becoming the second highest-grossing Telugu film of its time with a worldwide collection of ₹104 crore. The film, directed by Harish Shankar and produced on a budget of approximately ₹30 crore, features notable performances by Pawan Kalyan, Shruti Haasan, Abhimanyu Singh, and Ajay.