Demonte Colony 2: Vengeance of The Unholy is the latest installment in the acclaimed horror thriller franchise, released on August 15, 2024. Directed by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu, this sequel continues the chilling narrative from the original Demonte Colony. The film stars Arulnithi as Srinivasan/Ragu, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Archana Ravichandran, and Tsering Dorjee in pivotal roles. The story delves deeper into the supernatural and unsettling events surrounding the titular Demonte Colony, amplifying the suspense and horror elements that captivated audiences in the first film.
Box Office Performance: A Strong Showing
Despite facing stiff competition from other major releases, Demonte Colony 2 has performed impressively at the box office, garnering both critical acclaim and audience interest. The film’s opening weekend was strong, with significant collections over its initial days:
- Day 1: ₹3.55 Crore
- Day 2: ₹2.35 Crore
- Day 3: ₹4.3 Crore
- Day 4: ₹5.25 Crore
- Day 5 (Estimates): ₹0.12 Crore
After five days, the film’s total box office collection stands at approximately ₹15.57 Crore. The film’s success can be attributed to its gripping storyline and effective execution of horror elements, which have resonated well with audiences and critics alike.
Day 5 Occupancy: A Peak into Audience Engagement
On its fifth day, Monday, August 19, 2024, Demonte Colony 2 showed varied levels of occupancy throughout the day in Tamil (2D) screenings:
- Morning Shows: 21.09%
- Afternoon Shows: 28.99%
- Evening Shows: 30.22%
- Night Shows: 39.00%
These occupancy rates reflect a strong audience turnout, particularly in the evening and night shows, indicating sustained interest and engagement from viewers despite the film’s early drop in collections on Day 5.
Production Details: Behind the Scenes
Demonte Colony 2 was co-written by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu, Venky Venugopal, and Rajavel, who have crafted a storyline that expands upon the original film’s mythology. The movie is produced by Bobby Balachandran, Vijay Subramaniam, and RC Rajkumar, ensuring high production values and a compelling cinematic experience.
Kumaresh D handled the editing, while Harish Kannan took charge of the cinematography, capturing the film’s eerie atmosphere effectively. The music and background score, composed by Sam C.S., add a haunting dimension to the film, enhancing its overall impact. Fans are continuing to show support for this gripping horror thriller, eagerly engaging with its suspenseful and unsettling narrative.